Rajdeep provides a complete indigenous solution for Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) for road traffic safety and effective management. We not only compete with the best of the existing solutions around the globe but also offers technologies that will reduce manual intervention and dependencies for controlling road traffic and ensuring safety. Rajdeep’s Advanced Traffic Management System is one single system that integrates following sub-system.
Rajdeep’s Advanced Traffic Management System is a unique advanced traffic managment system that integrates following sub-system:
- ECB – Emergency Call Box
- ATCC – Automatic Traffic Counter cum Classifier System
- CCTV – Close Circuit Television
- WMS – Weather Monitoring System
- VMS – Variable Message Sign
- Communication Backbone
- Control Center
Functions and operations of ATMS are centrally managed from the Control Centre Room. The operator present in the Control Room keeps the track of all activities taking place on the Highway. All the above-mentioned components of ATMS are depicted on the GUI showing their status as active or inactive. All these components can be connected through Fiber Optic Cable or GSM. This entire system together brings out to be a very intelligent and supportive system for the users thus meeting the required resources on the highway. It’s a real-time decision support system for traffic operator and records and solves the contingency situation.